Saving More as a Safe Driver

Updated: January 2022

If you’re a safe driver, congrats -- it goes without saying that in most cases, safe drivers get the best rates on car insurance when compared to other driver types. Nonetheless, it’s always possible for any driver type to save more on their insurance, and we have the tips you need to make that happen.

Are You a Safe Driver?

First off, consider for a moment whether you are truly a “safe driver.” Most drivers believe they drive safely, but that doesn’t mean it’s always true. Although each carrier has their own way of defining the term when determining rates, in general a safe driver must have a clean driving record for the past several years (no tickets, accidents, or DUIs), must have no breaks in insurance, and must be in a “safe” age group (not under 26 or over 65). If you still feel you’re in this category, great -- let’s get into the savings.

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Safe Driver Discounts

The first method of saving is utilizing discounts. There’s a huge variety of car insurance discounts available, and while they might look small at first glance, they can make a huge deal on your actual insurance bills. Here are just a few to look into:

  • Safe Driver Discounts: Some carriers offer discounts to safe drivers, so always make sure to ask if this is an option when purchasing a new policy.
  • Affiliation Discounts: Your work or organization could save you money on car insurance. Many larger workplaces offer discounts to employees that purchase insurance through specific carriers. Likewise, many insurers offer discounts to particular groups of workers, including veterans or current members of the military, healthcare workers, or teachers.
  • Policy Discounts: From autopay to bundling, there are policy-based discounts for everyone.

As we said above, these are only a few of the discounts you should consider. Read through our guide to discounts to see what else is out there.

Usage-Based Insurance

One type of insurance that’s increasing in popularity is the usage-based approach. Now offered by both the up-and-coming, more modern carriers and the long-established, more traditional insurance companies we all know, usage-based car insurance essentially charges drivers rates based on their actual driving habits. In most cases, drivers are asked to track their driving habits for a set amount of time using an app on their phone. The carrier looks at metrics including how often the driver speeds, how suddenly they brake, the time of day they typically drive, and how many miles they drive, and calculates their rates based on these factors. The safer you drive, the less you’ll be asked to pay. If you’re confident in your driving habits, you might consider opting for this type of insurance to save money.

Other Ways You Can Save

If you’re looking for even greater savings, consider these ideas:

  1. Switch Cars: If your current car is an older model, it might be time to upgrade. In general, newer cars snag the lowest insurance rates because they’re statistically less of a risk to insure. While of course a new car is a major investment in itself, if it’s something that’s already been on your mind, this might be the sign to make the jump.
  2. Shop Frequently: Complacency leads to higher rates. As sad as it is, most insurers do not reward long-time customers with lower rates -- if you’ve had the same policy for years, it’s very possible that you’re overpaying on insurance. We recommend that all drivers regularly check in on the car insurance market in order to ensure that they’re getting the best deal possible. Always get quotes from multiple carriers in order to get a clear view of pricing options, and make the switch only once you’re sure you’re getting a good rate.

While safe drivers typically get low rates in any case, there’s no reason not to get the best deal possible on your car insurance. By taking the time to shop carefully and grab all the saving opportunities you can, you can save significantly on your insurance -- and keep that extra money in your wallet.

Safe drivers using our site can save up to $744*/year on car insurance. If you’re looking to lower your rates, fill in your zip code and start saving today!

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